

Festival della Creatività, Fortezza da Basso, Firenze
Festival eterotopie, Loggia di Davide, Palazzo Te, Mantua
Spazio Visivo, Palazzo Libera, Villa Lagarina, Trento, It
The word is yours, Fabbrica Borroni, Bollate, It
Installation           Paolo Cavinato
Sound                     Stefano Trevisi

wood, paper, mirror, lights with timer
audio 5.1 + 8
150 x 650 x 210h cm
Threshold, is an installation viable.
This is a box surrounded by shelves where they are assembled together and placed hundreds of different boxes: ideal containers of everyday life of the person. Placed on shelves next to each other, contain hidden worlds, concepts, objects, emotions, visions, perceptions, ideas, subjects, etc. ..
Each box is a stand-alone system, along with other boxes, and create new systems. Each box is signed by a number. In each box there is a brief description of the content, the weight in grams.
Each box wants to evoke. Open the imagination of the viewer. Open a small, even though brief overview.

In this first moment, the user can walk around and outside the installation.
He notes the exterior: a myriad of different boxes assembled, embedded or supported each other. A myriad of fragmented sounds of everyday life make up the galaxy made ​​up of many small ephemeral events.

The second step occurs when the person decides to physically enter into the cavity of the installation: a threshold can be crossed overlooks a deep corridor, within which a linear perspective leads ordered infinity of empty space.
Within the transition is a metamorphosis.
First, the observer sees himself reflected in the image. Then, it liquefies, giving way to the void of the central perspective.
Here, a hissing sound continuously emphasizes and expands the dissolution of their image in the interior space.
The research I am trying to work digging the path of that man fulfills himself within the concept of One and the Many, inside and outside of it the same. The threshold between finite and infinite.